Preventative Controls
Following, are areas in which policies and practices are implemented to reduce risk of exposure to communicable diseases, surface to surface transmission, and internal health risks within Layton Consulting Ltd. (LCL).
Communicable Disease Prevention Plan
Employees are able to work from home and are also welcome and invited to work in the office. Employees can coordinate their remote work and on-site work schedule with Alessandra and Ashlee who are members of our Administration team.
If employees or visitors are feeling ill, they are required to use the self-assessment of symptoms outlined in BC Health’s guidelines and remain home. Employees are required to report their symptoms to a member of the Administration team.
Workspaces have been rearranged to ensure six feet of distance with team members as well as members of the public. We have established occupancy limits in the office and have provided clear signage of them.
We have implemented a new work model of tasks and a new model of online communication between team members and clients. All project files are to be digitally created and shared. This includes time and expense sheets, absence request forms, and notices to invoice.
Our commitment to your protection:
The office, especially high transmission areas are sanitized regularly. We require sanitization before and after use of doorknobs, light switches, surface areas, workstations, and equipment such as printers and microwave. Signage has been posted on the premises outlining symptoms of communicable diseases, safety guidelines, and handwashing procedures.
The use of masks is required in the office for employees and visitors at all times unless employees or visitors are alone in a private room or there is a barrier between individuals.
Frequent sanitation is necessary. Hand sanitizers are provided in various locations throughout our office.
A training video has been created and provided for employees as well as a COVID-19 server folder outlining COVID-19 policies, guidelines, trainings, and resources.
Exposure Procedure
If feeling ill, please use the self-assessment of symptoms outlined in BC Health’s guidelines and remain home. It is required that you inform a member of the Administration team.
Once a COVID-19 case has been confirmed either in the office or on a project site, individuals exposed will be contacted by a member of the contact tracing team hired by the Provincial Government and asked to isolate for 14 days and monitor symptoms. Individuals are required to notify the Administration team.
The Administration team will document exposure cases and include dates to allow for 14-day isolation and monitoring. Upon approval from the Administration team, employees will be cleared for office entry.
Communicable Diseases Prevention Policies
To provide better guidance to employees, management has implemented policies to reduce the risk of exposure to communicable diseases and protocol for COVID-19 exposure. The following are examples of policies that are in effect.
Face Mask Policy
In accordance with the provincial guidelines, individuals must wear a mask in all indoor spaces unless alone in a room or there is a barrier between individuals.
COVID-19 Symptoms Policy
Individuals displaying COVID-19 symptoms are prohibited from entering the office and encouraged to isolate at home.
Employees who have COVID-19 symptoms must stay home, alert a doctor, and a member of the Administration team, and get tested.
If employees test positive for COVID-19 , they must notify a member of the Administration team, and isolate for 14 days and monitor symptoms.
If symptoms cease, then employees must notify a member of the Administration team and will be invited back to the office.
International or Provincial Travel Policy
Individuals who have arrived outside of Canada or outside of BC must notify the Administration team, self-isolate for 14 days, and monitor for symptoms.
Visitors Policy
Visitors are limited and must coordinate with Alessandra or Ashlee, our members of the Administration team prior to entry.
Exposure Policy
Once a COVID-19 case has been confirmed either in the office or on a project site, individuals who have been under close contact will be contacted by contact tracing team hired by the Provincial Government and asked to isolate for 14 days and monitor symptoms. Individuals are required to notify the Administration team.
Six Feet Apart Policy
Tasks have been modified (when possible), to include six feet apart between employees and visitors. Communication and meetings are held remotely, such as phone calls or video conferencing unless otherwise necessary.
Sanitization Policy
Surfaces and high transmission surface areas are sanitized before and after use. This includes, barriers, doorknobs, light switches, surface areas, workstations, and equipment such as printers and microwave.
Monitoring Policy
The Administration team will conduct weekly monitoring of the communicable diseases prevention plan protocols to ensure they are being followed by LCL team and visitors. The Administration team will coordinate their efforts with Supervisors.
These policies provide clear communication to staff and visitors on how the organization values health and safety. It advises staff and visitors on how they should conduct themselves and advises management on how to proceed to reduce risk of exposure to communicable diseases and of proper conduct should exposure occur.
To provide better guidance to employees, management has implemented the following trainings to reduce the risk of exposure. The following are examples of trainings that have been completed and/or are in the process of being completed.
Team Training
Our team has been trained on how to follow the communicable diseases prevention plan policies and procedures. Each team member is responsible for his or her safety and compliance.
Supervisory Training
Supervisors are in the process of being trained on monitoring workers and the workplace to ensure policies and procedures are being followed. Supervisors are responsible for encouraging and supporting their team to follow the communicable diseases prevention plan procedures and for coordinating with the Administration team.
Administration Team
Team has been trained on the communicable diseases prevention policies and procedures for LCL team and visitors. They have been trained on how to monitor implementation of safety plan and how to conduct the Office Entry Health Declaration and tracking for visitors. The Administration Team are responsible for entire LCL team and visitor safety, compliance to the communicable diseases prevention protocols, and safety plan.
Owners have been trained on the communicable diseases prevention policies and procedures for LCL team and visitors. The owners are responsible for entire LCL team and visitor safety and compliance.