“Layton Consulting Fenestration Nerds”: Layton Consulting Fenestration Workshop Series by Anton Van Dyk

Layton Consulting is now offering a series of fenestration workshops designed to support the fenestration industry.  These workshops will provide fenestration manufacturers, designers/specifiers, dealers and anyone involved in the compliance management of windows and doors. 

This series of workshops is intended to provide you with the foundation of understanding of compliance and the steps needed to meet the expectations of the Building Code, Specifications sections, and overall compliance expectations. Researching these topics can be difficult and time-consuming, and these workshops are designed to fast-track your understanding of the steps needed to meet the ever-changing compliance demands. 

 The workshops focus on supporting a manufacturer, installer, or dealer of fenestration products, both locally manufactured and/or imported from overseas. Some workshops have versions specific for Architects, Engineers, consultants, and Building Officials who specify and enforce the requirements of fenestration products. Refer to the descriptions below for these variations.

 These sessions are designed as workshops, not webinars. They are designed for groups smaller than 20 people and can be online or in person. The group size cap of 20 allows for more interaction and a better learning experience. Some events are offered as open sessions that multiple organizations can attend, and some are recommended as private corporate events as they involve business strategy discussions.  

 Fenestration Compliance Foundation Workshops

 The two workshops below are designed to provide you with the foundational knowledge and understanding that is required for compliance in the Canadian construction industry for fenestration for both the single-family and multi-family sectors.  As housing density increases, single-family zoned lots will transition to multi-family zoned lots, changing the expectations on how compliance is met.  These workshops are designed to provide you with the foundational awareness expectations of these markets. 

 Engineered Shop Drawings Workshop

 Learning Objective:  In this workshop, you will learn how Engineered Shop Drawings demonstrate code compliance with Canadian building codes.  This process is often used in Non-Part 9 (Part 3) buildings that involve 3rd party professional oversight.  The process can also be used in some jurisdictions in Canada as an alternate compliance path to NAFS on Part 9 buildings. 

 You will learn the history behind this process, how responsibility is delineated using Letters of Assurance, how they demonstrate code compliance, the review and approval process and what standard documents and details will look like.  


1.        A summary document outlining everything that was covered with specific code references. 

2.        A template of shop drawings in both AutoCAD and PDF formats that you can use to develop your own shop drawings. 

Primary Audience: 

1.        Fenestration suppliers who are considering entering the Non-Part 9 buildings (Part 3 Multi-Family) construction sector. 

2.        Fenestration Import suppliers who lack full compliance testing for NAFS and Thermal Performance for both Part 9 and Non-Part 9 buildings. 

3.        New and/or existing staff training who are transitioning into the Non-Part 9 (Part 3 multi-family) construction sector. 

Secondary Audience:

1.        Architects and 3rd Party Registered Professionals of Record (RPR) that specify fenestration for projects.

2.        Project Managers who review and approve engineered shop drawings for project compliance. 

3.        Project Managers who use engineered shop drawings to coordinate site work. 


1.        Public event, in person (Metro Vancouver Only) or online

2.        Half Day (4 hours)

3.        $250/person


Fenestration Code Workshop

 Learning Objective:  In this workshop you will learn the requirements in the specific building codes listed below for fenestration requirements and how to apply them to your business strategy.  We will cover how buildings are classified under Part 9 and Non-Part 9 (Part 3) and how Part 9 and Non-Part 9 paths can be used to demonstrate code compliance.  The session will look at Part 3, Part 4, Part 5 and Part 9 expectations and how best to apply them.  Under these Parts of the code, we will break down how to address items such as Laminated/Tempered glass requirements, egress, fall protection, energy requirements and NAFS requirements. 

 The workshop will cover common enforcement aspects of the code and how to manage variable interpretation of the code language. We will also provide the knowledge and understanding a manufacturer/installer needs when an architect specifies that code compliance is the manufacturer/installer's obligation. By attending this workshop, you can boost your product approval rating, meet enforcement expectations, and reduce risk and liability. 

 Current workshops include the 2020 NBC, 2024 BCBC/2019 VBBL, 2023 NBC (AE) and 2023 OBC.


1.        A code summary that references the fenestration requirements in the applicable building code for future quick reference.

2.        Up to six months of active Code Coaching. 

Primary Audience:

1.        Fenestration manufacturers/installers who provide windows and doors in Canada. These include Sales representatives, estimators, and project managers.

2.        Fenestration Import suppliers who are entering into the Canadian market.

Secondary Audience:

1.        Architects, Building Envelope Consultants and 3rd Party Consultants that specify windows.

2.        Anyone who has to interpret and apply the code in their day-to-day that involves fenestration such as code enforcement (government and/or private).

3.        General continuing education for the construction sector.


1.        Private event for Primary audience.  In-person (open to travel) or online. 

2.        Public event for Secondary audience.  in person (Metro Vancouver Only) or online

3.        Half Day (4 hours)

4.        Private Event - request quote (location and size of group dependant)

5.        Public Event - $250/person


NAFS Workshops

The two workshops below are designed as separate, one-hour workshops or can be combined into one two-hour workshop. The combined two-hour workshops for Part 5 and Part 9 compliance are only available as a private event. Please contact Layton for a combined private event.   

 Part 5 for NAFS Workshop

 Learning Objective:  In this workshop, you will learn how to use Part 5 of the 2024 BCBC for your NAFS (air, water and structural) compliance.   This compliance path was originally created in BC in conjunction with the Letters of Assurance, which defined the responsibility of professionals for fenestration.  This path is available for use for both Part 9 and Non-Part 9 (Part 3) buildings in the 2024 BCBC and can be used as a compliance strategy for products that do not qualify under the Part 9 NAFS full testing and labelling obligations. 

 The workshop will define the expectations and documents required to demonstrate Structural performance, air tightness and water tightness as indicated in the building code and within professional guidelines.

 You will learn how the Part 5 path creates a partnership for product acceptance and responsibility by 3rd parties and can help reduce risk to a manufacturer/installer when these partnerships are established.   

 Primary Audience:

1.        Fenestration manufacturers/installers who are providing windows and doors into the multi-family construction industry.

2.        Fenestration manufacturers/installers who provide windows and doors to the single-family construction industry with limited lab testing, such as new to the industry, new product launches, or custom products. 

3.        Fenestration Import suppliers who are selling products into the British Columbia housing market. 

Secondary Audience:

1.        Architects, Building Envelope Consultants, and third-party Consultants who specify windows for the multi-family construction industry. 

2.        Project Managers who review and approve engineered shop drawings for project compliance. 

3.        Anyone who has to interpret and apply the code in their day-to-day that involves fenestration such as code enforcement (government and/or private).

4.        General continuing education for the construction sector.


1.        Public event, in person (Metro Vancouver Only) or online

2.        1 Hour

3.        $180/person


Part 9 for NAFS Workshop

 Learning Objective: In this workshop, you will learn how to use Part 9 of the 2024 BCBC for your NAFS (air, water, and structural) compliance. NAFS was introduced into the 2012 BCBC and replaced the old CSA A440 standard, which listed window performance with an A/B/C rating. This workshop will highlight the major changes from the old standard to the new standard and how these changes impact your NAFS testing compliance strategy.

 This workshop will provide the foundational understanding of the NAFS standard and all its working parts, such as classification, gateway sizes, performance grade, air tightness, and water tightness, as well as how to apply them to custom combination/composite windows. 

 As NAFS testing reports are often used as an approval document for acceptance on Non-Part 9 buildings (Part 3 multi-family), the workshop will provide an understanding of how NAFS test reports can demonstrate a product's ability to be accepted onto a project. 

 Primary Audience:

1.        All Fenestration manufacturers/installers who are providing windows and doors throughout Canada.

Secondary Audience:

1.        Architects, Building Envelope Consultants, and third-party Consultants who specify windows for the multi-family construction industry. 

2.        Project Managers who review and approve engineered shop drawings for project compliance. 

3.        Anyone who has to interpret and apply the code in their day-to-day that involves fenestration such as code enforcement (government and/or private).

4.        General continuing education for the construction sector.


1.        Public event, in person (Metro Vancouver Only) or online

2.        1 Hour

3.        $180/person

For more information, feel free to reach out to me at my email anton@laytonconsulting.com or give me a call at 778-908-2811.


“Layton Consulting Fenestration Nerds” By Kelvin Chen: A “Window” into the Layton Window Replacement Path For Owner(s) and Glazing Contractors


“Layton Consulting Fenestration Nerds” By Anton Van Dyk: NetZero Windows.  Do they exist?