“Layton Consulting Fenestration Nerds” By Kelvin Chen: A “Window” into the Layton Window Replacement Path For Owner(s) and Glazing Contractors - FAQS
Recognize there’s a better way to tackle window and door replacement, but still trying to figure out the details? Core to our culture is empowering our clients by providing complex and technical information in a way that makes sense! Allow us to clarify some of the frequently asked questions we’ve heard so that you can make the best choice for your window and door retrofit projects.
How often should you replace your windows?
With a quick Google search, you'll notice that the first answer on the web is something generic, such as "windows typically need to be replaced every 15-25 years." But let's be realistic: Very few windows actually get replaced within this time period, so what gives? The answer is that it can vary.
Instead, you must ask yourself "WHY do we need to undergo window replacement" and "WHAT is the problem that you are trying to resolve?" Are your windows the source of overheating in the summertime? Maybe the existing window transitions to the building envelope are leaking and causing damage to the primary structure? Perhaps the Owner(s) are having condensation-related issues? Or maybe you just don't know and would like a professional opinion.
Whatever the case, Layton Consulting offers a Window Condition Assessment to provide you with information about your existing window and prepare you for the upcoming window replacement.
Do you need a building permit to perform window replacement?
Navigating permits can be tricky. Yes, you do need a permit if there are structural changes or modifications to the window opening. Upgrading to the same sized windows? Generally, no permit is required - unless you uncover structural issues mid-job. Our recommendation is that getting a permit is the safer bet to avoid project hiccups and delays.
What do I need to prepare in a building permit application?
Requirements vary by municipality, so it's crucial to check with your local building permit department. Here's a list of common checklists from various municipalities across BC's Lower mainland.
City of Vancouver's Checklist: https://vancouver.ca/files/cov/building_envelope_repairs.pdf
City of Burnaby: https://www.burnaby.ca/services-and-payments/development-permits-construction/commercial-renovations
City of Richmond: https://www.richmond.ca/__shared/assets/pl266214.pdf
District of West Vancouver: https://westvancouver.ca/media/3470
City of North Vancouver: https://www.cnv.org/Business-Development/Permits-Inspections/Building-Permits/Residential-Renovations-Strata
City of Coquitlam: https://www.coquitlam.ca/DocumentCenter/View/3474/Building-Permits-and-Inspections-Brochure-PDF#:~:text=A%20building%20permit%20must%20be,in%20the%20City%20of%20Coquitlam.
City of Surrey: https://www.surrey.ca/renovating-building-development/building/commercial-building-permits/tenant-improvement-building-permit
Can I replace the existing fixed windows with an operable window?
Yes, enhancing the space with operable windows is doable, provided safety and performance standards are met. Our codes state that as long as the level of safety and building performance is not decreased below level that already exists, then we are compliant with current codes for existing buildings. During the window replacement process, we would review options with you!
Who should acquire a building permit?
Typically, the glazing contractor or the Registered Professional would manage the building permit application on behalf of the Owner(s). At Layton Consulting, we can work with the Owner(s) to prepare the building permit package, or we can work with a glazing contractor to submit the required documents in a building permit application.
Do I need to move out when a window replacement service is being performed?
Owner(s) or Tenant(s) of the building are not required to move out. In most cases, the window replacement will take place on the same day, ensuring minimal disruption. In some unique cases, a protective hoarding would be installed to reduce the amount of impact to Owner(s), Tenant(s), or Businesses.
Can I perform window replacement in phases?
Yes, window replacement can be performed in a phased approach, though it is often more expensive to do due to the costs of remobilization. These approaches/strategies are discussed during the design/tender phase.
Still have questions?
To find out more about how we can help, we encourage you to contact us by email (kelvin@laytonconsulting.com) or to visit our website (www.laytonconsulting.com) for more information. Follow our digital newsletter or add us on LinkedIn for the latest news.